Quick Home Remedies for Vomiting, Effective and Safe Natural Cure for Vomiting

Vomiting is a common problem faced by almost everyone. Usually there is no need to seek medical attention right away if you’re vomiting due to a common reason such as alcohol, over eating, cold or stomach flu . If the vomiting persist or last for long periods of time then you should seek medical attention right away, and if you become dehydrated, urgent medical attention is required. Almost everyone has vomited at least once in their life since being an infant. You can usually tell when you need to or are about to vomit. There are certain home remedies which you can try to prevent vomiting.

Home Remedies for Vomiting

Slowly sip a glass of cola. You can settle your stomach by drinking a flat can of room temperature cola . To quickly make the cola flat pour it into a glass and stir, this will take most of the carbonation out. Lime juice is also one of the most effective vomiting remedy. Drink a glass of chilled lime juice slowly and this will help your stomach to prevent more vomiting. Relax for some time.

  • Put some cloves, cinnamon or cardamon into your mouth. These spices serve the duty of anti-vomiting drugs.
  • Put a little piece of lemon. Add a little rock salt to it. This will cease your feeling of vomiting.
  • Apple cider vinegar is another good home remedy for vomiting. Add 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp of honey. Dilute this mixture in normal water and have it before you go to bed.
  • Treating vomiting with rice water is a trusted remedy. Boil 1/2 cup of rice in 1 to 1 and 1/2 cup of water. When the rice is cooked, remove them and drink the residual water. This ceases the vomiting.
  • Consume half tsp of grounded cumin seeds. This will help you to get rid of vomiting.They are considered best natural cure for vomiting.
  • Heat 2 cardamoms on a dry tava. Powder them and add a tsp honey and take frequently.
  • Sip chilled lime juice.
  • Have a cup of ginger tea.
  • Have a mixture of 1 tsp mint juice, 1 tsp lime juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice and 1 tsp honey.
  • Slowly sip a glass of honey water.

  • Try to eat less, full stomach produces vomiting in many cases.
  • Don't sleep immediately after having meals.
  • Sleep on right side. This will prevent the stomach content coming into mouth.
  • For the first 12 hours after vomiting you should avoid all solid foods but increase the amount of fluids you are taking in. For the following 12 hours you should slowly start taking in solid foods such as soups, mashed potatoes, rice and oatmeal. Don’t over load your stomach but eat until the feeling of hunger is gone.